Optical belt scales | Optical belt scales
An optical belt scale from EmWeA is installed in an existing conveyor belt or in another suitable conveyor system (vibrating feeder, trough chain conveyor, etc.). Optical belt scales continuously and accurately record the current volume flow (e.g. in m³/h) and the accumulated volume (m³).
We offer the following optical belt scales:

Optical belt scale | FLO-3D II ideal for industrial applications
The FLO-3D II model is our innovative optical belt scale for stationary use in industry. This belt scale is robust, completely wear-free and is characterized by particularly simple installation and quick, easy commissioning. The FLO-3D II optical belt scale is particularly suitable for measuring light bulk materials such as refuse derived fuels (RDF).

Optical premium belt scale EHS for mobile and stationary systems
The EHS optical belt scale has been specially developed for rough use in mobile systems (crushers, screening machines, etc.). A version for stationary use is also available. The optical belt scale itself does not have a display or operating option. A supplied smartphone (shockproof, waterproof IP67) with SensorManager app is used to query data and operate the belt scale. A mobile printer is also included with the optical belt scale.
Optional inputs and outputs as well as a serial interface are available for stationary or industrial applications. The smartphone can also be dispensed with here.